And this week, through our Flickr page and Facebook group, fans and friends were able to decide on which of the new images would make it into the new gallery for the website. The options were given and wedding photo "Bench" was a clear winner in colour, whilst "Looking Up" and "Window" ran very close (edging it by one or two votes out of 50). The gallery is now online and available to view at:
Simply open the Weddings specific gallery to view the images.
And if you don't yet follow us on Facebook, then please come 'Like' our page and you'll be able to keep track of any developments and help us in the future! FOLLOW US HERE
In other news, we had a great wedding video shoot in Castle Combe last weekend and will be in Frome filming Tory and Rich's wedding this weekend - so fingers crossed the weather is just as spectacular for the happy couple! For more information on Wiltshire Wedding Video, please visit our website BY CLICKING HERE.